Reader's Corner 91: WeWork's Terrible New Name Change, Conversations with Robots, and Dominating Search by Answering Questions

January 17, 2019

Keep up with the newest buzz in business and SEO by checking our Reader's Corner suggestions of the week: WeWork's new branding campaign faces backlash, why editors should consider the transition to structured content, and dominating search engine results by providing quality answers to what users are asking.

WeWork Is Changing Its Name, and It's a Truly Terrible Idea

Hunter Kenny

Source: Inc.

Takeaway: As a marketing professional in the United States living during the age of information, I have numerous opportunities to think about branding every day. Keeping up with the newest buzz in bad-business-branding decisions is one of my favorite past times. I'm definitely not a fan of the popular coworking conglomerate's newest name change, but human's aren't naturally a fan of change in general. In 5 years we'll probably all forget that they were ever called "WeWork" in the first place!

Tags: #Business

Conversations with Robots: Voice, Smart Agents & the Case for Structured Content

David Minton

Source: A List Apart

Takeaway: It’s estimated 30%–50% of all searches will be done with voice, sans screens, by 2020. While the current state of AI processing is sophisticated, such systems, for the foreseeable future will provide better results if website developers, and well as content editors, take advantage of structured data and Semantic HTML. In his latest post, Andy Fitzgerald demonstrates the importance of structured data with examples of real-world search results, as well as how following best practices will lead to improvements in the accuracy of voice searches.

Tags: #StructuredContent, #RichData

The explosion of PAA: Answering Questions is the New Way to Dominate Search

Stephen Pashby

Source: Search Engine Land

Takeaway: Producing content that answers People Also Ask (PAA) questions is a new avenue to reach more search users. The short guidelines are: 1) Directly and completely answer questions, 2) Use simple language, not sales language, and 3) use QA schema.

Tags: #SEO, #Content, #Strategy

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