Support the Niko Cup: Soccer Tournament Against Cancer

February 16, 2010

Durham, NC – Come out this Sunday, February 21, to see the first ever Niko Cup against Cancer, a soccer tournament organized by local players to support fellow player and friend, Niko Harlan, in his battle with brain cancer. The Tournament will feature eight six-player teams, competing on the Duke campus, hoping to raise donations that will contribute to Niko’s costly medical expenses. Teams participating in Sunday’s event have already raised over $4,000 in support of his treatment.

Niko’s reaction to the event is that it “was an extraordinary surprise. One reason I love team sports is the feeling of camaraderie and togetherness, and to see that manifested in all the work that’s gone into the tournament is overwhelming.”

The Harlan family first discovered Niko’s brain cancer during a Cognitive Psychology study at his work shortly after graduating from Duke University in 2001. Following the discovery of the tumor, he was placed under the care of Duke University specialists who treated him with chemotherapy, keeping the growth contained until December of last year.

After results that the tumor was growing, Niko and his family flew to LA at the beginning of the year to participate in a vaccine therapy trial study at UCLA that offered hope for his condition. Now, while he recovers from recent surgery, Niko is under the care of his UCLA and Duke doctors as he continues with radiation and chemotherapy.

While all steps are being taken to ensure that Niko has quality care, the medical costs are rising and the donations from supporters of the family have become important for his continued treatment. Kosta Harlan, a member of the DesignHammer staff and brother to Niko stated, “Reading about the planning for the Niko Cup was a huge morale boost for us… If it wasn’t for the financial support from friends, family and the Niko Cup, we wouldn’t be able to pursue the best treatment for Niko.”

Planned schedule of play for the Niko Cup is February 21 at 8:30AM on the Duke University West Campus turf fields. Further details about the tournament can be found on the Niko Cup Against Cancer website.

To stay up-to-date with Niko’s progress, visit the blog, Anticancer, where you can find updates from Niko and family on his battle with cancer.

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