Updates: September ’18

October 08, 2018

The September Scoop is In

Undeterred by Hurricane Florence, the DesignHammer team managed to stay productive and whether the weather this September. With a pattern of recent SEO-related projects, our team has been taking a closer look at big data and how it's altering SEO in 2018. If you're a data geek, go ahead and read our thoughts on Google Data Studio, about our ongoing efforts on the Project Data Sphere redesign, and some of our SEO-themed Reader's Corner submissions. We also discuss our favorite AMA events of September and provide more information on the rescheduling of the 2018 Conference for NC's Nonprofits.

Recent Projects | Tools and Technology | | Conferences | Professional Development | Community Involvement

Recent Projects


Michael Nicholson

We’ve recently launched the new site for Jackson Community Medical Record, replacing an old, non-responsive static site with a new WordPress build. JCMR now has the ability to edit content, add events, and put news stories on the home page, and the site is easily navigable on mobile devices.



In Production

Project Data Sphere

Michael Nicholson

After a fairly lengthy planning phase, design and development have begun on the new marketing website for Project Data Sphere. Project Data Sphere, LLC is an independant, not-for-profit initiative of the CEO Roundtable on Cancer’s LIfe Sciences Consortium. They operate the Project Data Sphere platform, housed by SAS, that allows the research community to share and analyze data sets with historical, patient-level data. These data sets come from both academic and industry clinical cancer trials.

The new site will allow Project Data Sphere staff to more readily update content, while still integrating some usage data from the Project Data Sphere Platform (the Platform itself will still be hosted by SAS). We’re currently nearing the end of the design phase, and we’re all looking forward to a new look and feel, response design, and fresh content from Project Data Sphere.

Tools and Technology

Google Data Studio

Hunter Kenny

Our newest addition to the list of many tools utilized by DesignHammer is Google Data Studio! For those who find Google Analytics a bit complicated to navigate, Google Data Studio is a fantastic platform that integrates with one or multiple Google Analytics properties to better visualize a website’s traffic data. The free platform allows you create interactive dashboards that run on automated data updates so that you can now track your most important reports in real-time, instead of having to sift through Google Analytics to find specific information. We’ve recently built a Data Studio dashboard to monitor traffic information on the DesignHammer website, and we’ve also begun the process of setting up custom views for some of our client’s accounts. I expect Data Studio to be an extremely useful tool for DesignHammer and client’s alike, and I’m excited to see the new tool aid our strategic marketing efforts with clients and allow us to make smarter business decisions.


NC Center for Nonprofits Reschedules 2018 Conference

Hunter Kenny

Due to the danger posed by Hurricane Florence to North Carolina, the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits was forced to cancel its 2018 Conference for NC's Nonprofits that was originally scheduled for September 12-14 in RTP. The reschedule details were announced at the end of September, and the 2018 Conference for NC's Nonprofits has set the new dates for Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 27 and 28. The conference will be held at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center. Check out the revised schedule.

Professional Development

AMA Workshop: Rapid Content Development

Hunter Kenny

On August 30th I attended a workshop on Rapid Content Development, hosted by the Triangle American Marketing Association. Speaker Alan Hoffler of MillsWyck Communication demonstrated a powerful presentation designed to further develop our communication skills. We learned some essentials and industry secrets to developing content that will deliver clear, concise, and compelling messages to intended audiences. I found Alan and the workshop to be both interesting and engaging and I believe that anybody who works in marketing and/or communications could benefit from these types of AMA-hosted workshops. You can find the event page of our local AMA chapter here.

Community Involvement

AMA Drink + Think: The Triple Bottom Line

Stephen Pashby

David and I attended another great AMA Triangle Drink + Think on 10/4 at The Frontier. This month’s speaker was Norm Wood of the New Norm consulting group. Norm shared lessons from his career to inspire the audience to give it your all, learn and grow, and be open to new possibilities over the course of their careers.



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