David's Blog Posts

August 27, 2020
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but so are insults. Does it matter if no offense was intended; if a reader is offended by your writing? This very question came up in a recent Reader’s Corner review session. So, what did we do about it?
August 27, 2020
The Nielson Norman Group continues to see significant usability problems with PDFs used as website content. Don’t frustrate your users and just say No to PDFs.
August 26, 2020
With all of the updates tech companies are making to their websites and products to keep their digital content accessible to those with disabilities, many marketers believe that these platform adjustments also account for their own social media content, and therefore shouldn't have to worry about further adjusting their content to make it accessible, which is an untrue assumption.
August 26, 2020
While category pages on your website can be great for users, they can also present a challenge for promoting your website’s best content via search, as your category pages might compete directly with your more targeted pages listed on the category pages. Here's how to determine if you have a self-competition problem on your site.
August 14, 2020
This July, I got to experience my first deep-dive into Drupal culture by attending Drupal Camp Asheville 2020. The biggest takeaways for me came from the sessions on accessibility and productivity.
August 14, 2020
When many of us were growing up, the iconic words of Alice Cooper were music to our ears. But how do students across different socioeconomic and locational spectrums literally deal with the fact that school is (at least for now) out forever?