August 25
This post will answer questions about accessibility and usability with project managers and decision makers in mind.
January 03
After adding the Google + button to our blog and news pages, I notice a display issue with the recommendations hover drop-down. It appeared to be slightly blown apart at the top, but how do I figure out what is causing this?
March 03
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to guest lecture before the Web Design students at Wake Technical Community College on the similarities between Usability, Accessibility, and SEO, a topic I first addressed here in 2009. Since my initial blog post, I assembled a talk, which I presented at BarCampRDU, and at Internet Summit 2010 in Raleigh last November.
November 17
Last year I started thinking about the similarities between Usability, Accessibility, and SEO, and posted the first of what I hoped to be a series of articles on the subject. Since then, I assembled a talk, which I presented at BarCampRDU in 2009 and 2010 and am preparing to give at Internet Summit 2010 in Raleigh this week. This post will provide some additional resources as well as a copy of my slides.
July 16
Create and preview a favicon easily in Photoshop so it looks good in all browsers.
February 25
What could Usability, Accessibility, and SEO (search engine optimization) have in common? Besides industry jargon that website designers/developers need to know, they are in some ways three aspects of the same process.