February 24
An overview of how to relocate your modules and themes to sites/all and discontinue use of a Drupal install profile.
November 17
DesignHammer completed a major Salesforce project this year which involved restructuring a client's Drupal/Salesforce integration. The client was using a forked, hacked-apart version of the Salesforce module from 2009 along with a custom implementation of Salesforce Outbound Messaging to do bidirectional syncing of 30,000 Drupal user accounts.
May 19
We've been working on upgrading the DesignHammer website to Drupal 7 for the last few weeks. It's not been a bad process, but one particular issue had been vexing us: how to set the active trail for nodes and pages that don't have menu items.
April 28
About a month ago I became a co-maintainer of the Salesforce Suite module for Drupal. The suite offers robust integration with Salesforce.com. I wanted to write a few words about the Salesforce suite modules and encourage developers and users to check it out.
March 16
DrupalCon Chicago is over and I'm back in Durham with the DesignHammer crew. It was a great conference; it's the first DrupalCon that DesignHammer has participated in and it won't be the last. Here are some notes about my impressions of DrupalCon and how it affects DesignHammer.
December 13
One of the most important security vulnerabilities in Drupal involves correctly configuring input formats. This blog post gives an overview of some of the issues involved and how to properly secure your site's input formats.